




“Respectfully, with the old&ancient setup systems of politics, religion, transcendental, spiritual, galactic, science, technology, and anything else, these are not about THE NUNOWNISSS ALLLIFEIS.  These systems, teachings, paths, doctrines and so forth, basically relate to Creation and some kind of ‘god’ Authority who reigns over others with sometimes nice Levels&Dimensions (many mansions & heavens of man) and watches unaware people struggle&suffer Here.  There are ‘self-proclaimed gods’ in Creation who have cleverly deceived unaware people into Agreeing that they are the gods who created Creation.  This is rather humorous for those who can SeeeBeyond the ‘invented fantasies’ of distorted unaware souls who ‘think’ they are something they are not.  All of this is fine if this is what unaware people want, as ALL of US can have WhatEver We Want with ALLLIFE.  The First BigStep for anyone is to Have RealExperiences with REBISASR & REALLL UNUVERSALLL GUIDES to be Shown that Creation (this CreationBubble-Simulator) is merely a very small fragment of many unaware lifetimes of experience in CreatedCreation with ALLLIFE.  Because unaware people have been SystemLiteralized, they only See what they do with what is taking place on This OneDimensional SurfaceWorld Creation.  Your DreamVisions, Your IntuitiveSenses, IS a HugeOpening to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient with ALLLife.  DUANE THE GREAT WRITER*SEEER IS HERE to Help EveryOne WakeUP to REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS Beyond ALL the CreationBubbles that are Kontrolled by ShapeShifting Aliens on a GalacticLevel and also the Other MultiDimensions in This Creational PassingDream.  EveryOne Can Do This for ThemSelves with REALGUIDANCE with REBISAR & UNUVERSALLL GUIDES.   A REALLLIFE IS with YOUR REALLLAWARENISSS that has created and is Operating Your FiveBodies in Creation.  You were Not taught this, because there are ‘Those’ who want to Keep You UNaware!  You Can Learn to Seee THEM and Confront THEM with Your IntuitiveSenses in the MultiDimensions They Exist in.  Eventually, with Your PersonalSelf & Your IntuitiveSenses, YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, can Recogn’IS’e The RealU!  DUANE THE GREAT WRITER*SEEER IS Here to Help EveryOne for a RealWakeUP NOW!  The ShiningSun is the Best Example of What ALLLifeIS for ALL!  ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS ~ YOUR REALLLAWARENISSS!  ENDLISSS FREEENISSS IS FOR ALL! 

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DUANE LEE HEPPNER was first brought to Earth by REBISAR & REALLL UNUVERSALL GUIDES and then as THE NUMAN in 2001.  At the age of 18 with His Father, DUANE entered into the ISSS~INTERNATIONALL SECRET SERVICE SUPERVISION, because of His Abilities to SeeeBeyond what others cannot.  Duane’s primary position with Secret Government Agencies ALL Over This World was that of SuperVision Surveillance for The ISSS.  From that of WorldWide UnderGround Tunnels occupied by Gray Aliens to the Area 51 Mysteries that are Very Real and with the Various World Government dealings with Extraterrestrials to Interplanetary Flights to Other Planets, as ALL of This and a Lot More is Hidden in the VFiles on This Planet Earth.  UNaware People who are raised and brought up and told&taught on This OneDimensional SurfaceWorld Consciousness have NO idea as to what is really taking place on This AlienKontrolled HUmanFarming Planet!  DUANE DOES and IS Here to Help EveryOne WakeUP NOW! 

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SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ and Watch Your DreamVisions (YOUR INTUITIVE SENSES) to Start Your Journey to ReALLLFREEEnisss Now!  Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype.  DUANE THE GREAT WRITER*SEEER IS Providing ‘INTUITIVE SEEEING SURVIVAL SESSIONS’ for those who want to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient Now!  LEARN to SEEE for YOURSELF WHAT IS REALNOW!  Also Contact: VALDIS VITOLS & NUKEVIN SMITH on Skype&Facebook and Make a Friend Request.  SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ to SeeeBeyond ALL Your Restrictions!  REALGUIDANCE IS ALLLIFE NOW!  ASK REBISAR & THE REALLL UNUVERSALLL GUIDES with Your DreamVisions (INTUITIVE SENSES). 


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