Discover Literary Services and eBook Cover Art - Classifieds Ads
Explore our dedicated space for book enthusiasts, where the literary community comes alive through the posting and browsing of classified ads. Whether you are selling or seeking services such as book cover design, formatting, or publishing, find exactly what you need in our vibrant hub. Our platform goes beyond just showcasing eBook covers for their aesthetic appeal. These covers act as brand ambassadors for authors and their works, playing a crucial role in establishing recognition and loyalty among readers. Consistency in cover design is key, guiding readers to new literary adventures. In our gallery, you will discover eBook covers that feature captivating images or illustrations directly related to the story, character, or setting. Each cover is designed to pique the readers curiosity and offer a tantalizing glimpse into the world within the pages. Join us in this unique intersection of literary exploration and creative design.

Noah kay Online Products and Links
Noah kay online products are the names and the web links of all their published eBooks. The Books are in various categories such as; You and Your Health Manual; Principles of true Leadership; The Mysterious Wisdom of God; Paradise on Earth; Natural Powers for Creating Wealth and Happiness; Twelve Keys to Success; Magnetic Powers of the Mind; Lisa, the Strea goddess; Twist of Fate; and Yoke of Lust. View the eBooks here> https://noahkaybooks.com

Tristan Mowrey Author
Tristan Mowrey is an accomplished author who has already left an indelible mark on the world of literature. His written works possess a unique quality that stimulates the reader's thought process and offers fresh perspectives, resulting in an exciting reading experience. Tristan's journey as an author began after he spent several years working alongside copywriters, editors, and digital designers, acquiring the requisite skills and expertise. Since his debut in 2019, he has produced several works of literature that have garnered widespread acclaim for their creativity, originality, and captivating storytelling.

You and Your Health manual

Yoke of Lust

Twist of Fate

The Mysterious Wisdom of God
“The Mysterious Wisdom of God” is a complementary book to the Holy Bible. This Christian Doctrinal book is about how God revealed Himself in the person of Jesus the Christ; who bridged the big gap between God and sinful mankind with the Cross; by which anyone who believes in Jesus Christ can cross back to God. The book also teaches on creation, how the Bible was written, the Holy Spirit as a person, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity of God, the Hosts of Heaven, the personality of Satan, devil and Demons. This awesome Christian’s Educational book is 30,401 in word count; and of 210 pages. Get your copy through this web link> https://noahkaybooks.com

Twelve Keys to Success
“Twelve Keys to Success;” is a twelve chapters book of practical and mental development Psychology. The book is based on Advanced Developmental psychology with practical exercises. The book will also teach you the step by step method of getting rich, and how you can use your natural powers to obtain your heart desires. The book further teaches you how to cure poverty, the natural laws of prosperity, and the general principles of success. This awesome practical Psychology book (two) is 31,791 in word count; and of 247 pages. Get your copy; or better still, get the (one-three) set of practical Psychology Books through this web link> https://noahkaybooks.com

Principles of True Leadership

Paradise on Earth

Natural Powers for Creating Wealth and Happiness

Magnetic Powers of the Mind

Lisa, the Stream goddess
“Lisa, the stream goddess” is a Mystery, Fantasy and strange love affairs story. The novel is about a goddess and her small river. This small river was full of strange powers, and there were mischievous fishes that could transform themselves into beautiful mermaids or women when they want to lure men to fall in love with them. The people of Odogbagede village loved their stream very dearly because of the clean water of the stream. The stream was named after the stream goddess called Lisa. This amazing novel is 36,241 in word count; and of 248 pages. This Fantasy Novel is a bombshell of mysteries and sacrificial love! Get your copy through this web link> https://noahkaybooks.com

Der Mörder aus der Zukunft
Lüfte ein Netz von Geheimnissen in "Der Mörder aus der Zukunft". Dr. Peter Wehller, ein brillanter Physiker und Chemiker, entdeckt nach dem mysteriösen Tod seiner Frau finstere Geheimnisse. Als er in die Vergangenheit eintaucht, taucht eine schockierende Enthüllung auf – Der Mörder kommt aus der Zukunft! Kann Peter den Mord vereiteln, ohne die Geschichte zu verändern? Tauche ein in diese packende Geschichte über Zeit, Verbrechen und einen verzweifelten Wettlauf gegen das Schicksal. Kaufen Sie jetzt für eine spannungsgeladene Reise in die Vergangenheit das Buch.

🌈 Creative Visions by Miguel Santos
Bringing your story to life, one cover at a time. With a passion for graphic design and a love for storytelling, I create covers that are not only visually stunning but also deeply connected to your narrative. Expert in non-fiction, memoirs, and self-help books.
- Bespoke Cover Design
- Print and Digital Ready
- Branding and Social Media Kits
Rates: Packages start at $275
Portfolio: MiguelSantosCreations.com
Get in Touch: info@miguelsantoscreations.com

🌟 Sophia Turner's Dynamic Book Cover Studio
Engage your readers with covers that pop! My designs are bold, dynamic, and tailored to make your book stand out in a crowded market. Experienced in children's books, cookbooks, and young adult fiction.
What I Provide:
- Unique and Professional Designs
- Cover Consultation and Branding
- Fast Turnaround
Starting Price: $300
View Gallery: TurnerBookCovers.com
Inquiries: contact@sophiaturnerstudio.com

✒️ Captivating Covers by Arjun Patel
Transform your manuscript into a bestseller with a cover that speaks volumes! My designs are not just covers; they're the first chapter of your story. Specializing in thrillers, romance, and sci-fi genres.
- Cover Art Design (Digital & Hand-Painted)
- Typography & Layout
- Marketing Graphics
Special Offer: Free consultation and two initial concept designs
Explore My Work: ArjunPatelArtistry.com