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“IT IS NOW THE NUNOWNISSS ALLLIFEIS, and then there is Creation, aside from What ALLLIFEIS. For those who are still going thru their ‘not knowing process’ of “Where did I come from, and what am I doing Here, and Where am I going?” with Creation and mainly only looking to the invented systems, they Now Have a RealChance to WakeUP ALL The Way with Their RealAwarenisss. We have ALL been raised with rumors&stories from those who Kontrol Others, as they have invented such things as, politics, religion, spiritual paths&teachings, faiths&beliefs, gurus&masters, saviors&gods, business, technology, science, stardom, kings&queens, relationships, movies&stars, love&drama, thrills&happiness, hokus-pokus, miracles, or any kind of other invented ‘absolute authority’ that unaware people look to. It is so that there has been a lot of information passed along from history, but it is ALL Outdated Now! THE NUPRESENTATIONIS has nothing to do with any of it, including, auras, third eye, chakras, initiations, memberships, followers, and whatever has become something from the past that is old&ancient outdated baggage and is still around today. THE NUPRESENTATIONIS ALLWAYS NU&REALL, as IT IS The Best Reference to THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS HERENOW! OneDimensional Literalized People will definitely not understand what REBISAR&DUANEVA IS Presenting as ALLLNUUU. ALLLIFEIS ALLWAYSNU & ALLLAWARE. ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS ~ YOUR REALAWRAENISSS. THE NUPRESENTATIONIS UNIQUE&REALLL with REALL REFERENCES compared to that which is Not Known with UNawareMinds. ALLLISSSALLL. UNaware people do not, in any way, understand WHAT IS REALLL with ALLLIFE, nor even with what they have so-called learned about Creation, which they have been taught&told that Creation is ALLLIFE, and IT IS Not! DEFINITIONS: Real/OneDimensional Programmed Thinking - ReALL/Intuitive Creating - REALLL/UNUVERSALLL. UNaware People have been cleverly fooled into ‘believing&thinking’ they are in a ‘universe’ of some kind, when in fact, they are in a DarkRealm Kontrolled by Abusive Authoritarian Aliens, which is More Than Obvious for those who can Seee This! The Days of Masters&Gurus are Gone! THE NUNOWNISSS is for those who have The RealCourage to StepUP & Take The Risk to SeeeMorrre than they ever have before. ALL the Cause&Effect CreationBubbles eventually implode upon themselves, because of the imbalances that are created by unaware souls. Especially, because of those who have been raised and told stories&rumors about ‘gods’ in the sky somewhere and that they are to be worshiped&prayed to. This Deception has caused the greatest upheaval in the CreatedConsciousness to the extent of a planned demise and annihilation. There are Abusive Alien Authoritarian ‘god&saviors’ in Creation, the ones who profess they are so and with those who ‘believe’ in THEM (TapLining HUman Eating Monsters). In THE REALLL UNIVERSISSS There are NO Authorities Ever! This IS because ALLL THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS IS REALLL, unlike Creation that is merely a Simulator of PassingDreams and Temporary Situations and having to deal with FiveBodies that have a PersonalMind & FreeWill in Cause&Effect Creational Agitation. THE NUPRESENTATIONIS about Continuously Becoming MoreAware & SelfSufficient with ALLLIFE. Whereas, the ‘old systems’ in Creation Keep Deteriorating from UnSeeen Alien Deception&TapLining! Who can Really Seee This? THE NUPRESENTATIONIS REALGUIDANCE Beyond What This World Has Ever Known!
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DUANE LEE HEPPNER was first brought to Earth by REBISAR & THE REALLL UNUVERSALL GUIDES and then as THE NUMAN in 2001. At the age of 18 with His Earth Father, DUANE entered into the ISSS~INTERNATIONALL SECRET SERVICE SUPERVISION, because of His Abilities to SeeeBeyond what others cannot. Duane’s primary position with Secret Government Agencies ALL Over This World was that of SuperVision Surveillance for The ISSS. From that of WorldWide UnderGround Tunnels occupied by Gray Aliens to the Area 51 Mysteries that are Very Real and with the Various World Government dealings with Extraterrestrials to Interplanetary Flights to Other Planets, as ALL of This and a Lot More is Hidden in the VFiles on This Planet Earth. UNaware People who are raised and brought up and told&taught on This OneDimensional SurfaceWorld Consciousness have No idea as to what is really taking place on This AlienKontrolled HUmanFarming Planet! DUANE DOES and IS Here to Help EveryOne with a ReALL WakeUP NOW!
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SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ and Watch Your DreamVisions (YOUR INTUITIVE SENSES) to Start Your Journey to ReALLLFREEEnisss Now! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype. DUANE THE GREAT WRITER*SEEER IS Providing ‘INTUITIVE SEEEING SURVIVAL SESSIONS’ for those who want to Become MoreAware & SelfSufficient Now! LEARN to SEEE for YOURSELF WHAT IS REALNOW! Definition: Real/OneDimension Programmed Thinking - ReALL/Intuitive Creating - REALLL/UNUVERSALLL. Also Contact: VALDIS VITOLS & NUKEVIN SMITH & ERIC GAIMUR on Skype&Facebook and Make a Friend Request. SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ to SeeeBeyond ALL Your Restrictions! REALGUIDANCE IS ALLLIFE NOW! ASK REBISAR & THE REALLL UNUVERSALLL GUIDES with Your DreamVisions (INTUITIVE SENSES). www.duanethegreatwriter.net