
THERE IS A METHOD TO GRASP THE ELUSIVE WORLD PEACE (NATO you hold a significant part in this grasp)

THERE IS A METHOD TO GRASP THE ELUSIVE WORLD PEACE (NATO you hold a significant part in this grasp)


(NATO you hold a significant part in this grasp)

The climax is where humans experience the most enjoyment. Any book, movie, or just about anything else. Therefore, we either misjudge or miss the best part of something when we don't finish reading a book, watching a movie, or doing anything else.

Since about a century ago, humanity has been in a state of awakening. What does "woken status" mean to me? the point at which people recognize how destructive humanity is and how it has impacted the existence of our species for over seven thousand years. The reader will wonder why there have only been seven or eight millennia. Prior to that, humans lacked culture and were primarily in the process of evolving from apes to humans, from jungles to civilizations.

Up until now, our species has been on a destructive trajectory. What, then, is destructive?

One could argue that Darwin's Theory of Survival of the Fittest applies to us as well and that nature made us in accordance with it.

However, we also refer to ourselves as sentient beings because nature has endowed us with self-awareness. Of all the species on Mother Earth, nature has also given us the most sophisticated brains. Our ability to think has aided in our knowledge acquisition, and we have developed the ability to recognize the limits of the survival of the fittest as they relate to our species.

Given that we are currently an overpopulated species on Earth, our ancestors faced fewer obstacles to survival than we do. The resources are becoming scarce due to competition.

Over the course of millennia, our ancestors introduced spirituality that established personal boundaries in order to prevent us from becoming creatures worse than those found in jungles. Therefore, we must admit that we are.

For the sake of argument, let us assume that our forefathers were not sufficiently civilized to understand that the wars they waged were for the sake of land, food, women, ego, retribution, and—most dangerous of all—religion.

As our brains developed and our intelligence increased, many of us developed the ability to plot and become greedy for money, land, and power because society had introduced luxury living, which most of us strive for at all costs.

We established gangs with a leader in order to accomplish this. By forming political parties, they advanced to the position of local rulers. Once in power, they have authority over a country and its people.

Members of these disguised gangs of thugs came from all walks of life. The religious members posed the greatest threat since they could use the circumstance to manipulate the members' thoughts and beliefs through zealous sermons and ideas.

Since they were brainwashed from an early age to believe that what their first preacher taught was the word of God written in gold and that it was sinful to even consider that it might be incorrect, we cannot hold them responsible because they are defenseless. For them, therefore, the question of challenging these ideas is unthinkable.

Since they are the most dangerous thugs and enjoy a lavish lifestyle thanks to donations and money from believers, I am not referring to them here as priests or religious leaders. Please go to their homes or the places where they all reside if you don't think it's true. The best of food and fruits are on the table. Their vehicles are the best available for travel. Millions of believers, meanwhile, are starving and without a roof over their heads on the streets.

Well, if a priest or other religious leader leads a decent life, then nothing is wrong. But what's wrong is that they disseminate their fabricated evil ideas under the guise of divine instruction in an attempt to dominate everyone's thinking and leave no room for new ideas or advancements of preexisting ones.

The risky part is when they use the gangs of thugs in the bureaucracy, military, or politics they control, or when they take advantage of one another.

Together, these thugs not only rule their nations but also the media, international organizations, and everything else that stands for the entire world community. They have even established a few world organizations specifically designed to serve their objectives. They are nothing more than puppets who will say and do whatever these thugs want.

This malevolent, self-centered organization did not form overnight. It is the result of numerous millennia. They spread like cancer to the communities they have taken over in war, through the use of soft techniques by missionaries (who are not religiously specific), or in other ways. It would have involved holding their victims at a sword's end. By this means, they have destroyed a great number of cultures and diverse ideas.

The question that now emerges is whether religion and its ideas are incorrect and beneficial to humanity.

Religion is absolutely necessary and neither bad nor evil. Any human being should be able to think spiritually since it is one of the key characteristics that sets us apart from other animals. It is beneficial to society's well-being and mental health.

However, it is extremely dangerous when a religion produces sick fanatics who are dangerous to both themselves and the rest of the world because it takes away their capacity for rational thought. It poses a greater threat than nuclear weapons.

Spirituality should be able to accept people regardless of whether their beliefs or ways of thinking align. However, we cannot refer to it as spirituality, faith, or religion if we believe that my ideas are the only correct ones in the universe and that others are incorrect. It's the devil in disguise, nothing more.

The motion When you or I assert that our beliefs and opinions are the only correct ones, we are implying that others are mistaken. We put them on the wrong side of the fence by doing this. We start wars and conflicts when we build these fences.

Take a trip back two thousand years or more. The result of 99 percent of the wars fought until the end of the colonial era is that the people and lands that were taken were forced to change their religious beliefs by force. Those who disagreed were burned alive, raped, butchered, and had their houses of worship destroyed.

Today is a different time. A significant portion of the populace in the majority of developed countries worldwide will not tolerate these extreme religious beliefs, which hold that people who do not share their beliefs are on the other side of the fence.

Thus, the thugs had to adapt to the contemporary world. As a result, they established the bogie of freedom of religion and speech.

Is it wrong to have free speech? No, it can't ever be incorrect. Everyone is entitled to free speech. However, what does free speech actually mean?

The group of criminals has established a global atmosphere in which the government of a nation is always "wrong" when someone speaks out against it or the society! Additionally, that nation or government is wicked and evil.

What authority does one country or society have to tell another that their society or country does not grant freedom and human rights? In their own countries, thousands of people are homeless, starving, without a place to live, drug addicts, orphanages, single parents, and places where children are raped and treated like animals. Where are the elderly without family support? Even citizens who are unaware of their existence are like zombies.

Is there a single nation in the world where none of the aforementioned are absent? If so, you are in a position to advise other countries and societies. You still don't have the authority to meddle in their business, though.

Is there any single nation in this world where none of the aforementioned exists? If that is the case, you possess the authority to advise other communities and countries. However, you still lack the right to meddle in their matters. They are not creatures in jungles to be seized, conditioned, and tamed. It is the responsibility of the good among them to struggle against and rectify the injustices. External intervention only results in another Afghanistan or numerous others like it. They are worse now. At least they had food on table and crime was under control earlier.

Utilize your time and money that is squandered on weapons and conflicts to provide a better existence for your citizens and your community. Do not endanger your soldiers' lives like sacrificial animals in battles waged for others in a different nation. Your interference merely aggravates the situations for those you think are suffering elsewhere. Those in distress need to rise and resist and rectify the injustices in their community and nation. Furthermore, no dictator can maintain control over their country indefinitely. This is the contemporary age.

In fact, those who discuss freedom of speech and human rights in most nations are instruments used to destabilize a community, leader, or country for the benefit of another nation or coalition of nations where they themselves are dominated by the previously mentioned group of thugs. The free speech advocates clamoring loudly are scouts dispatched prior to conflict.

I am labeling those who engage in such actions as thugs. They may be individual leaders, religious factions, or coalitions of nations. They instigate wars and devastation solely for their own advantage.

The group of thugs conduct all of this for natural resources. They devastate a nation and subsequently bring in companies for reconstruction, thereby providing business to the thugs' nation’s economy. Another motive is for missionary efforts by any religion that views non-believers as subhuman.

What constitutes freedom of religion? If I am raised by my parents, I will embrace their faith. If I am born in a certain nation, I will likely adopt the religion of that land.

I or another individual who has spent our lives growing up with a particular belief, why would we desire to accept another ideology?

Well, unless someone persuades me that my beliefs are incorrect, the God I worship is not God, or I am a devil worshiper, and tries to brainwash me, or offers me financial incentives in exchange for my beliefs and thus my soul, I would not do so.

Regrettably, I or you, and those who have been ensnared by these captors, do not recognize that this is how animals are trapped in cages and conditioned to obey.

Now the question arises, what right does someone have to go to a different civilization, community, or nation to set such traps? These fanatic thugs don various disguises as religious symbols, constructing barriers and portraying the individual on the other side as an adversary to be defeated?

I would like to escape the gloomy backstreets of religious bullies and progress to the next significant barrier to be crossed to attain the elusive World Peace.

The world has experienced barter systems, nomadic lifestyles, slavery, rulers, dictators, capitalism, and communism. There may have been other systems as well, but their effects have not been noteworthy on World Peace.

Fortunately, slavery in chains belongs to history. Thus, let’s not delve into it. However, as a concluding remark, regrettably, we have emerging forms of modern slavery where every individual has the choice to break free from it.

In the past several decades, conflicts have occurred, nations have been ravaged as they adhered to or found themselves on opposing sides of the ideological barriers. One side being Capitalism and the other Communism. Let us refrain from debating which is superior. As we all recognize the saying. No one person can embody perfection. To substantiate this, I would need to compose pages.

We have also observed that in many instances where communism was established, it ultimately faltered and transformations occurred. The Soviet Union has collapsed. However, the Cold War persists!

Well, frankly, I am neither a communist nor do I favor any sides or nations on the Globe. What I cherish is World Peace.

Why is this taking place? Why is there such animosity towards Russia? Billions and trillions are squandered on an imagined and fabricated Demon from the Cold War period?

Does the world believe Russia has an abundance of resources to be squandered on wars to seize other nations? If they had wished, they would not have permitted those nations to exit the Soviet Union or would have swiftly reasserted control as they separated from the Union. Russia possessed the strength and capability to do so.

Currently, they have a nation that needs reconstruction, which was technologically advanced in every sector during the Soviet era. Thus, the fear-mongering by NATO regarding Russia is merely the response of a puppet. The puppet masters are none other than the thugs mentioned earlier in this article.

Unfortunately, the leaders and military personnel of NATO-affiliated countries were born and raised during the Cold War era, conditioning them to believe that their primary objective is to annihilate the imagined Demon that is Russia.

Is it feasible to break free from this state of conditioning?

It will be challenging and impossible for some. As regrettably, the ideologies and actions of ancestors from the colonial era have altered and influenced our DNA (Those familiar with the book Biology of Beliefs by Bruce Lipton will understand how accurate this is) compelling us to contemplate and proceed down a singular path characterized by hatred towards the imagined Demon.

Clinging stubbornly to the notion that our thoughts are invariably correct and I possess the authority to dictate to the World Citizens how they ought to think and exist.

Sticking firmly to the belief that our thoughts are always correct and I possess the authority to instruct World Citizens on how they must think and live.

Is there any hope for us humans? At least in the current era we find ourselves in? We are more knowledgeable and experienced with greater access to information at our fingertips to understand that War and hatred cannot benefit us in any way.

The conflicts our forebears engaged in were mere child's play, and even WWI and WWII were comparable.

The WWIII will result in total devastation beyond recovery. Those who believe they can find safety in bunkers are foolish and misguided fools.

They have witnessed the effects of two nuclear weapons when Japan was bombed. In WWIII, nuclear weapons will be deployed in the hundreds and thousands. There will not be a single inch of land, air, or water that will remain unenviable for thousands of years. Those who trust they can hide in bunkers after initiating the war are foolish beyond assistance.

Only a few wealthy individuals and those ruling nations will have access to the bunkers. Billions of others will perish like insects. Even those who retreat into bunkers will die eventually and will never be able to enact further evils in their own or their descendants' lifetimes if they manage to survive in the bunker for an extended period.

Well, it is questionable whether they even have descendants to repopulate the devastated world itself. Even with the assistance of Viagra, the notion of reproduction will be challenging as the circumstances and environments will be dire. They will turn on one another in a short span of weeks or months. Since they will never manage to exit the bunkers. Stockpiled food or water does not multiply on its own. It must be produced and sourced from outside the bunkers. External food or water will be inedible due to the effects of nuclear and biological weapons.

Our species belongs to the animal kingdom, and Darwin's Theory is applicable to us. However, we possess hope as future technologies may aid in eradicating hatred from our species. (You ought to read my book "Marga" if you're interested in understanding how).

I am certain that there will be considerable animosity in the hearts of many toward me because of this article, but many others will recognize the truth in this article.

I cherish peace and would love to see all citizens of the Earth experience it. There is no question about that as I must answer to my Soul, and no one else but me has to be accountable to it.

No God will descend to Earth to assist us. We are in 2024 and not in the medieval era to hold that belief. Only we possess the ability to transform this planet into a paradise for everyone or eliminate every being upon it. The choice lies within our power. It concerns more than 5 billion lives and other species.

Therefore, let us learn to coexist and allow others to exist. Allowing others to exist does not imply that we are offering some kindness to anyone. It signifies enabling others to lead a life they choose without imposing our beliefs, onto them or thoughts.

We have no authority to construct fences, as fences generate tensions, animosity, conflict, and devastation, which will lead to total destruction.



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