




Author: Bharat Purushottam Saraswati Present & Announce : 📢📣


🔹The Content Of This Post Is Based On Indic Vedic Literatures of 🦧Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya's Advaita Vedanta Doctrine Concept & Maharshi Badarayana 'VedaVyasa's Great Epic BrahmSutra Or Vedanta Darshan__"Shankar Bhashyam"

Or "Sharirak Mimansa 



EBooks on above said Subject & Concept To Reach The Goal None Other Than "Self_Realization" Of One's Own 'Self' Only...



Supported by: Original Sanskrit texts by four Great 

Reference Books...🦚1. Vachaspati Mishra's "BHAMATI", 🏵2. Swami Ananda Giri's

"NYAYA- NIRNAYA", 🪷3. Swami Govindanand's "RATNAPRABHA ", 🌻4.

Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Sringeri Sharada Peetham

Swami Bharti Teertha's "VAIYASIK NYAYA-MALA" + ⚘️32 Other Advaita Vedanta Great Books REFERENCES.


🕉️ll Aum ll🕉️

These Ebooks Are Dedicated To The Lotus Feet Of AadiGurus & Jagadguru Aadi Shankaracharya, Bhagvan Shree Krushna, AadiGurudev Dutta Aatreya, Maharshi Badarayana"VedaVyasa", Brahmaa_Svayambhu: & BrahmvidyaKartuVanshaRushibhyaha__ Paramguru Swami Muktananda Paramhans  


📌📍 "Self-Realisation": ***KnowHow It Works?! ***❓❗‼️⁉️


1️⃣1. TriDeha (Three Bodies: Sthula (Physical) , Sukshma (Minute), Kaarana (Causal)-Sharira(Body)_ Bandhan(Bondages) Abolished Totally... 

2️⃣2. Sansaarika Bandhan (Worldly Bondages) Relieved... With Its Origin...

3️⃣3. Janma (Birth), Mrutyu (Death) &  Punarjanma (Rebirth) _VishaChakra (Vicious Cycle)Totally Stopped...🔴⚫

4️⃣4. Freed From Jaraa (Old Age), Roga (Diseases) Peeda (Ailments) of Sharira (Body)...🧍‍♂️👫

5️⃣5. By GyaanaAgni (Fire of)🔥 Self-Knowledge all types of Karmas (Deeds) Burnt, So Karma_Bandhan (Bondage of Deeds) Is Totally Destroyed. Hence_ No Karma_Bandhan, No Rebirth. (कर्मबंधन नहीं, तो पुनर्जन्म भी नहीं)...🦚💥

6️⃣6. End of All Worldly🌎 Ailments (Dunyavi Dukho). ❌⭕

7️⃣7. Your own "Self" (Jivatma) is submerged into Great God's"Self"(Paramatma)_ No Separate Entity Remains (जीवो ब्रह्मैव नाडपरः)_(ब्रह्मैव सन्ब्रह्मडप्येति)...✅🔱🌞👇

8️⃣8. No More Rebirth🌅🌄🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️ (पुनर्जन्म) On Planet Earth (म्रुत्युलोक) Or In Universe (ब्रह्मांडमें)🧍🧍‍♀️🌈🌐 Anywhere In Any Form (कहीं भी, कीसी भी योनिमें)... 🦂🦎🕷️🪲🐢🦖🐞🐅🦜🌎

9️⃣9. Thus, 'Self-Realization' Attained By The Knowledge Of "Vedanta Darshana" (Brahmsutra) ...📗📘📚📖 Leads To Salvation/ Emancipation/ Freedom/ Mukti/ Moksha/ Svaatma-Sakshatkaar… 

_Final Goal Of All Human-Being On Earth… 🌐

Try It Now…

🔟10. You will be Free of Mortality, getting Immortality(YourTrue'Self')...

...ऑम् इति...ॐ卐卐卐卐卐卐ॐ


" उत्तिष्ठ जाग्रत वरान्निबोधत्".....

जीवात्माऽनुत्क्रमितः ब्रह्मैव सन् ब्रह्मऽप्येति , न पुनः प्रयाति अस्मिन्नेव जीवलोके सनातनः।।





#Non-Fiction, #Spiritual &Religious, #Badarayanas_BrahmSutra #Indic_Vedic_Philosophy,

#Adi_Shankaracharyas_BrahmSutra, #Advaita_Doctrine_Of_Shankara, #Advaita_Philosophy, 



#Non_Dualism #RealizeYourSelf💥✨⚡⭐🌟


About Ebooks:


The ShelfPublisher & Author:

Bharat Purushottam Saraswati __Veda: KrushnaYajurveda_Shakha:Aatreya_PrvartakRishi:MaharshiAtri_Pravar: Aatreya, AarchaNaanas, ShyaaVaashwa_Aatreya__Vansha:ChandraMaudagalyaPanchalBrahaman...

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya's Brahmsutra Shankar Bhashyam, Gujarati Version...

+91 99093 91829🪀🪀📱📞🪀 WhatsApp Message 🙏... Avail On🇺🇸


Check this out: Brahmsuta Shankar Bhashyam: 'Adhyas Bhashyam'/ Language : Gujarati.


Check this out: Brahmsutra Shankar Bhashyam: 'ChatuhSutri-Bhashyam  Language : Gujarati. 🔗

Amazon Book Link :


Ebook On Rigveda 

Hindi(India) Version...

'The Rigveda Samhita Codes'🔗

Link to Reach...



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