Vision is a Mental Picture
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Vision is a Mental Picture
Vision is a Mental Picture.
Someone described vision as: “A picture that is held in your mind’s eye of the way that things could be or should be in the days ahead." In actual fact; a vision is a mental picture, it simply means that the vision does not yet exist physically. We must first of all see the vision in our mind before we can ever obtain it in the physical. If we cannot see the vision through the eyes of faith that it is possible to achieve it, then God cannot work through us as a leader. A man once commented about Moses and his leadership ability and his vision this way: “By faith, he saw the invisible, he chose the imperishable, and he did the impossible.” Moses leadership journey started with seeing a vision that was not yet visible to others, but it was very real in his mind’s eyes as if the vision was already in existence. Before God can use us to accomplish anything for him concerning the people etc. Get a copy of this Book, Titled: "Principles of True Leadership" through the link> https://noahkaybooks.com