Lawrence Cromwell
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Lawrence Cromwell Bio
I was born in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1950. Other than on vacations,
I never left the state until 1983, when I became a Peace Corps Volunteer
teaching math, science, and even English In Kenya, East Africa. My
experience in Kenya opened a whole new world of self-reliance and personal
discovery for me and I also got married in Nairobi to Suzanne Cromwell, whom
I had met in Miami at a party shortly before dating for a few months and then proposing
marriage and leaving for Africa. She flew over from the U.S. and we had a civil ceremony
about 39 years ago.
After finishing my two-year tour, Suzanne and I returned to the States. I then
started teaching math at an inner-city school in West Palm Beach, and Suzanne
worked as an architect. After five years of teaching in the States, I started
working for DoDEA, teaching the dependent children of deployed U.S.
soldiers in South Korea for six years and then Belgium for eight additional years. After
finishing my overseas career, I worked for eight years at Quantico Middle/High
School until I retired from full-time teaching to live in Hobe Sound, Florida
where I taught and tutored students in math, chemistry, and physics on a part
time basis.
During my teaching years, I would sometimes get ideas for stories and just
start writing them down. Deciding to monetize these stories pushed me to
publish some of them on Amazon Kindle, where I still have a few of my best
works on sale.
As mentioned earlier, I began writing in a rather circuitous way. Growing up,
I had never considered myself to be a writer due to the fact that I hated reading,
couldn’t stand literature, and had no reason to believe that I could ever be a
journalist or writer of any kind. I never had the luxury of studying anything that
didn’t have to do with learning and teaching math and science. But once I started
writing, I found out that I enjoyed it (sans the English teachers standing over me
and disapproving of my grammar and other writing efforts). Now, I have published a
number of short stories and I published my first novel, Seven Manipulated Minds in March
of 2023. Which proves to anybody who thinks they can’t write that they should try once
Go get it!