An Expats Experiences of Living in Turkey
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After obtaining a married status contract in 1989, I worked on a five-star hotel project down on the Turkish Mediterranean Coast. Here, due to my wife and I loving both the people and area, we bought some land with a Turkish friend and had a house built. This turned out to be a major change in our lives, with our moving from our home in Plymouth, to live in the Turkish countryside, just a short distance from what is now the resort town of Kemer. This move proved an excellent one, with our enjoying many happy years among friendly people. From our base in Turkey, my wife later joined me on contracts in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
Although my style of working life may not suit all, thanks to my working as an expat, my wife and I enjoyed a great life, until she tragically died from cancer in 2007.
In 2013, at the age of 72, I married a wonderful Turkish lady three years younger than me. We feel lucky to have been given a second chance at life, and live in Istanbul, one of the most vibrant cities in the world.