Cast the First Stone Be Transformed by Grace: 5 Lessons to Discover the Irrepressible Grace of Jesus
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Cast the First Stone Be Transformed by Grace: 5 Lessons to Discover the Irrepressible Grace of Jesus
Book Description
There she was in the public square being mocked and disgraced. Shame surrounded her like a cloud which would never lift. Was she looking for love in the wrong place? Did she know enough about God to question His sovereignty? You talk about your bad defining moments in life—this one tops them all! These 5 lessons look at the life of the woman caught in adultery. She experienced every emotion known as she cowered at the feet of Jesus. She was about to receive His hand of grace, but at this moment in time, she doesn’t know what her future the adulterous woman, we too have bad defining moments in our lives. We wish we could highlight the moment like text in a Word document. Press delete, and poof it is gone. But God feels differently because He loves you and has great plans for your