Hector and Heloise in Paris
Sibling hedgehogs, Hector and Heloise, set out on a great adventure to explore the largest and most popular museum in the world, the Louvre in Paris, France. Their Uncle Ken has told them all about the amazing works of art ̶ paintings, sculptures, artifacts, beautiful architecture, and even mummies. Will hedgehogs be allowed in the museum? What is in that large package Hector is sneaking into the Louvre? Come along with Hector and Heloise on this miraculous adventure where you will discover their big secret.
Included are Internet links for virtual tours of the Louvre.
The Amazing Tale of Gwennie: Homeless to Palace (2 book series)
From homeless cat to palace queen…How did Gwennie journey from being a forlorn homeless cat in southern California to being the spoiled queen of a palace in Portugal? As the daughter of Nuno, an Iberian lynx, and Terpsie, a Maine Coon cat, Gwennie travels to even more exotic places than her famous father. Follow her adventures as she incredibly ends up in the same country as her father’s homeland. Through this (mostly) true story of courage, friendship, and love, you'll be captivated by the power of one little cat's will to survive. If you enjoyed the first book in the series, "The Adventures of Nuno and Figo: The Incredible Journey of Two Unlikely Friends (Illustrated)", then you'll lov...
The Adventures of Nuno and Figo: The Strange Journey of Two Unlikely Friends (Illustrated) (What Happens When an Iberian Lynx and a Maine Coon Cat Meet in Southern California? Book 1)
One clever rat, one tramp steamer, one hungry lynx …Experience an adventure unlike any other. Follow Nuno, a clever Iberian Lynx, as he embarks on a treacherous journey to Southern California in search of a new life. Along the way, he meets Figo, a streetwise ship rat, who introduces him to the different cultures, music, and cuisines of the ports they they face perils lurking around every corner as they form an unlikely friendship. Will it endure the journey, or will the dangers of California prove too difficult to survive? With beautiful illustrations by Madalena Bastos, this is a book you won't want to miss. The author will donate 10% of net proceeds to one or several organizations whos...
The Adventures of Nuno and Figo: The Strange Journey of Two Unlikely Friends (Illustrated) (What Happens When an Iberian Lynx and a Maine Coon Cat Meet in Southern California? Book 1)
One clever rat, one tramp steamer, one hungry lynx …Experience an adventure unlike any other. Follow Nuno, a clever Iberian Lynx, as he embarks on a treacherous journey to Southern California in search of a new life. Along the way, he meets Figo, a streetwise ship rat, who introduces him to the different cultures, music, and cuisines of the ports they they face perils lurking around every corner as they form an unlikely friendship. Will it endure the journey, or will the dangers of California prove too difficult to survive? With beautiful illustrations by Madalena Bastos, this is a book you won't want to miss. The author will donate 10% of net proceeds to one or several organizations whos...