Dishonor Thy Father
Busted on Broadway
Now famous, a former New York cop turned PI finds himself helpless as Broadway actors get murdered for no apparent reason. NYPD detectives are equally baffled until the private eye's stepdaughter teams up with a Broadway make-up artist to go underground to reveal a mobster's plan to corrupt Broadway unions and control the Great White style="margin-left:0in;">
The Hollow By CL Thomas, A Bruce Westman Story
This Guy Walks Into a Bar
The Demon of the Dusk
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are summoned to Theobald Grange, the Warwickshire home of Lady Heminworth. Being of a nervous and superstitious disposition, her Ladyship lives in fear. Her husband and elder son were recently murdered, apparently by the ghost of a court jester who was executed on the site centuries before. The apparition has warned that she, too, is to die. Holmes rejects a supernatural explanation, although his adversary seems unaffected by gunfire and is able to take flight and disappear. The Great Detective brings his powers to bear, but still the killings
Murder of a Late Night TV Host