Bleeds when Broken
Synopsis for Bleeds When Broken. Our protagonist, Fiona talks early on about her troubled childhood, revealing why she is now plagued by the dangerous habit of self-harming in which she indulges.She is an intelligent, good looking girl, in her early twenties, with a career in the nursing profession.Fiona lives with her mother and sister in England. Her father died a few years back. The habit was difficult to hide and known about by her family. Her mother being so concerned felt that a trip on a cruise maybe what the girl needed to help improve her health issues.It was on this trip that she meets Charles, a young man looking for love. He makes it a daily quest to begin a court...
A rising young pop star and her unlikeliest fan develop a mutual fondness while defending their emerging identities from an unforgiving segment of society.
Temple of Destiny
‘Temple of destiny’ is a fascinating read, rich with Neeraj’s insights into everyday living. It is a tool to help awaken your own inner intelligence that mirrors the wisdom of the cosmos. It is the distillation of wisdom into practical steps, helping anyone understand the way to live a less anxious and more meaningful life. ‘Temple of Destiny’ reveals the reasons for overcoming negative thoughts and habits, and access the calm and purpose that lie within all of us. Whether you are looking at discovering your purpose in life, strengthening your relationships, discovering your true potential, understanding self improvement or even how you can give back to the world, Neeraj takes us o...
تدور أحداث القصة في ستينيات القرن الماضي عن رجل وحيد قرر بعد أن تقاعد عن عمله أن يقضي بقية حياته في "اللامكان" ، فذهب إلى هناك ينشد الهدوء والسكينة فتعرض هناك لأحداث ومفارقات لم تكن في حسبانه غيرت من حياته. وحياة غيره أيضاً