The Lost Son (Second Edition)
The Manticore: The Head of the Gorgon
Friday Walker lives a simple life in Washington DC with his guardian Donna and her friend fate throws him into New Hellas, a world where Graeco-Roman myths and legends are this new world, which is distrustful of those from the Iron-World" like him, the only way he can return home is to embark on a dangerous quest across an unfamiliar landscape filled with gods and is accompanied by a clay-born girl and a dangerous but majestic manticore. However, unknown to them, something greater is lurking in the shadows that can destroy both their
Return of Bastet
Leap of Faith
Firebrand: Red Horizon
Trouble With Swords
Remember Remember
Remember emember is the 3rd in the Temporal Detective Agency series. The first two titles (Leap of faith and Trouble with Swords) and Remember Remember are all available on Amazon and in most bookshops. The Temporal Detective Agency is run by, and involves, characters from 5th century Camelot. Based in Merlin's cave they travel through time having adventures and meeting characters such as Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Thomas Edison, General Custer, George Washington and the three witches from Macbeth ... to name but a few. The story is told with humour, and Remember Remember is a fast paced adventure that can be enjoyed by readers of all