
Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help

Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help

Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help

Bhagavad-Gita is the most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue’ – William von Humboldt.  

In this the beauty of the Sanskrit slokas is reflected in the rhythmic flow of the English verse of poetic proportions even as the attendant philosophy of the Gita is captured in contemporary idiom for easy comprehension.         

Though it is a matter of consensus that Bhagvad-Gita in the present length of seven hundred slokas has many an interpolation to it, but no meaningful attempt has ever been made to delve into the nature and extent, not to speak of the effect of these on the Hindu society at large.

The moot point that has missed the attention of all, all along, is that if the Sudras were to be so lowly in the Lord’s creation, how come then the Gita’s architect Krishna, His avatar, and Vyāsa, its chronicler, happen to be from the same lowly Hindu caste fold. Moreover, is it not absurd to suggest that either or both of them had deprecated the station of their own varna (caste) on their own in their very own Gita?

The methodical codification of interpolations carried out here puts the true character of the Gita in proper perspective. Identified here are hundred and ten slokas of deviant nature and or of partisan character, the source of so much misunderstanding about this book extraordinary, in certain sections of the Hindu fold.

In the long run, exposing and expunging these mischievous insertions is bound to bring in new readers from these quarters to this over two millennia old classic besides altering the misconceptions of the existing adherents.

 This free ebook, in multiple formats, is in the public domain in umpteen ebook sites.


The spiritual ethos and the philosophical outlook that the Bhagavad-Gita postulates paves the way for the liberation of man, who, as Rousseau said, ‘being born free, is everywhere in chains’. But equally it is a mirror of human psychology, which enablesman to discern his debilities for appropriate redressal.

All the same, the boon of an oral tradition that kept it alive for over two millennia became its bane with the proliferation of interpolations therein. Besides muddying its pristine philosophy, these insertions affect the sequential conformity and structural economy of the grand discourse. What is worse, to the chagrin of the majority of the Hindus, some of these legitimize the inimical caste system while upholding the priestly perks and prejudices.

This rendition seeks to restore to the Gita, its original character by ridding it of hundred and ten interpolations, which tend to keep the skeptics away from it. And ironically these muddle the understanding of the adherents as well. In the theatre ofmanasnothingsurpassesthedramaofwar,thestageforunveilingtheGita’s unrivalled philosophy was set onthe battleground of Kurukshetraat the threshold ofthe battle of Mahabharata.

Chapter 1, Arjuna's Dilemma

In this opening chapter of Bhagvad- Gita, the grand stage for the discourse nonpareil is set on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Gathered with their armies are the estranged cousins, the Pãndavãs and the Kauravãs, all set to join the battle.

Thus spoke Dhrutarãshtra:
Appraise Sanjay as my sons
Gathered at the battleground
Face the sons of my sibling
Eager for the war on hand.
Thus spoke Sanjaya:
Eyeing Pãndavs there lined up
So to assess relative strengths
Reached Duryodhan, Dron in time.
Find ãchãrya, said the Prince,
Pãndav force thus there arrayed
None other than by Drushtadyumn
Whom thou taught all tricks of war.
Virat ’n Drupad, so Yuyudhãna
With Bhim ’n Arjun they stand out.
Dhrushtaket, the one to dread
King of Kashi and Purujit
Kuntibhoj ’n Saibyã too
Chekitãn, their force augment.
Uttamouj ’n Yudhãmanyu
Abhimanyu so Vikrãnta
Draupadi’s offspring not to speak
Five-star generals all no less.
For thy feel of our own strength
Roll-call heroes of ours O, revered.
Thou with Bhishm, Karn ’n Kripa
Make all four our Field Marshals,
Bhurisrav, Aswathãm ’n Vikarn
Our Marshals, near Field Marshals.

With their lives on line for me
Adept at weaponry varied all
Abound valorous in our ranks
Past masters of group warfare.
Nurses Bhishmã force our vast
Lot it’s Bhimã’s tend their small.
Let’s close ranks in well laid files
Cover we flanks for Bhishmã’s guard.
Words by these moved
Grandsire Bhishm,
Warrior verily unrivalled
War cry he gave with his conch.
Egged by Bhishmã, geared Kauravs
War cries their rent, those high skies.
Krishna ’n Arjun, in their turn
From chariot of white stallions
Gave in kind they with kindred.
With Panchajanya, Lord Krishna
Broke sound barriers with Arjun
Who blew to hilt Devadatta
As blared Bhima, his Paundra.
Blew conch Yudhisthir full throated
Anantavijaya in tandem
With his siblings, Nakul ’n Sahadev,
Blew who Sughosh ’n Manipushpak.
King of Kashi, master archer
Sikhandi Marshal, their formidable
Sãthyaki, Drushtadyumn ’n Virãt
Warriors they all never vanquished,...





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