
Creative Writing


ABDUCTED – AMBUSHED – ABANDONEDBELLA delivers her pups in the wilds of the forest, the wild animals rally round and support Bella. Bella has gifts handed down through generations for her special breed, the capability to communicate with all animals.She recounts that legacy in exchange for the support given by the forest animals.Stories that retell the laws of Karma.BELLA – Chronicles of a Karmic Dog, recount stories entwined with humanity. A silent witness, to major events in recent history spanning the last 200 years. ·       Laika – the first space dog.·       Prumpt - the first of the breed, and his encounter with ...

Running With Knives - update to Dining: A Second Cigar?

Update to a "A Second Cocktail?" in the "Let's Dine First" chapter:I want to rip my tongue out. Wash my mouth out with perfume and baking soda. Scrape it with sandpaper, because rinsing and brushing with baking soda alone barely helped. The odor and taste in my mouth seeping into my nostrils and lungs is wretching. Why oh why, did I do this to myself?It is three in the morning and I am awake. Sleep should return. Instead, I lay there barely moving trying to not think about my oral cavities. Eating a two-day old dead shark would be better than this.A thought creeps into my mind. An idea for a story. Now I have to get up and write before the ideas are forgotten.Last evening's after dinner cock...

Myriad of Dreams

Myriad of Dreams” is a personal interpretation of my memories over the course of my life. Unless we dare to dream, we cannot accomplish what our heart yearns for. Dreams as they say are window to our souls and through “Myriad of Dreams” I have borne my soul to express my emotions and sentiments. My collection of poems in “Myriad of Dream” reflect heart-touching refreshment of reality and the book is based on a harmonious interplay of words and rhythm. My work knits a myriad of human emotions in those little moments of life that we all experience.These thoughts and memories narrated in a poetic style in “Myriad of Dreams” is bound to strike a chord that resonates with your exper...


Excerpt from one of the SILVER MEDALSL’ enseignant suppléant françaiseThe moment she came into the room, the atmosphere changed not just at first sight, but forever in that entire school term. She wore one of those reddish-orange business suits, the jacket top, without a collar, tailored never to be buttoned, hanging open at the front, with false pockets high up need the curvature of her breasts, and a creamy white silky blouse only visible through the parting of jacket. The matching mini skirt showed legs, so much of those delightful endless legs. The legs of a wonder woman, feline shapely and muscular with those curved womanly thighs, and curved hips, the mini skirt all tailored to fit...


Mynewta the HummingbirdHummingbirds are spiritual birds that symbolize love, joy, playfulness, and lightness of being. They are also spiritual messengers that remind us of the power to change, the sweetness of life, and the hope and inspiration that come from the cosmos or spirits. Hummingbirds have unique abilities like flying backward and traveling long distances, which reflect their resilience, adaptability, and continuity. Hummingbirds can be totems for those who align themselves with their essence and express love in daily endeavors. Mynewta is a special Hummingbird, with unique talents and gifts, bestowed upon Mynewta by the heavens, the sky. Mynewta's role in the world is create chang...


Short Children’s Stories of a Magical parallel word underneath Leninsky Prospect Park.John took the dogs Cherry (a Dalmatian), and Bella (Jack Russell Terrier) for twice daily walks to Leninsky Prospect Park. Cherry was strong and always pulled hard on the lead, nearly jerking John's arm off, and pulling him forever forward, Bella was more a gentle lady-like walker. The park hard some odd-looking trees, four of them, and a strange, charred fire-pit poking out from the covering blanket of snow, right in the centre of the trees. The dogs dragged John to the middle of the black sooty fire-pit, and then in flash they fell right through the ground.It's the start of an adventure, and a complete ...


Basil - The Fireman Dragon - First in a SeriesBasil is no ordinary Dragon. He is a chameleon dragon.Basil the chameleon dragon came from a long line of chameleon dragons that could change colour based on their surroundings. Chameleon dragons were not typical dragons, camouflage kept them hidden and safe from their enemies, other dragons. Instead of breathing fire, and destroying all and sundry, as well as becoming a menace to the world, Basil the chameleon dragon can suck huge amounts of water to douse the fires created by other dragons. They do not hoard gold, and they do not sleep all of the time. Instead, chameleon dragons are active and law-abiding. They lead a full and useful life, with...

God wants to communicate with us

God wants to communicate with usIn Jeremiah 15:16 we read:When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight; for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty.We often think that when we face difficult circumstances, we have to cope on our own.If we have put our trust in Christ, and acknowledged Him as our Lord, He is interested in every detail of our lives.He knows when we are fearful. He understands our disappointments, and He is aware of our lack of strength.He has overcome the evil one, and through His words He wants to empower us.Let us take time to listen to Him, and allow His strength to flood our mind and heart through the words that He speaks to us. They will become ...

Explore the Book Cover Gallery on BookCoverSharing, where we bring you A Visual Feast for Book Lovers. Delve into a world where stunning book covers are more than just protective sheaths; they're artistic statements, each telling a unique story. This gallery is a space for discovery, sharing, and inspiration, showcasing the best in book cover design from around the globe. Witness the Creative Process: Behind-the-Scenes in the World of Books, offering an exclusive look at how ideas transform from initial sketches to captivating book covers on shelves. Every image in our gallery, From Sketches to Bookshelves: The Art of Books in Pictures,' captures the essence of creativity and the meticulous craft behind each cover. Join us in celebrating the beauty and artistry of book covers, a true testament to the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words.

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