Len Handeland
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Len Handeland has won several awards for his novels, which span different genres. His literary repertoire includes vampire, paranormal, supernatural, and murder crime dramas. Len's writing journey began in middle school, and his passion for writing grew stronger over time. He has taken numerous creative writing classes and attended The San Francisco International Writer’s Conference in 2017, encouraging him to write his first book “The Darkest Gift.” The book was inspired by his love for vampires and the works of renowned late author Anne Rice. Len received positive feedback from readers and professional book reviewers, earning him a finalist spot in the American Book Fest contest in the fall of 2021. In the spring of 2022, Len’s novel “The Darkest Gift” won first place in the Bookfest 2022 Fiction/Horror category awards. The book and author interview was featured in the fall literature issue of “DeMode” magazine. It was named one of the “10 must-read books of 2021”. Len’s second novel “Requiem for Miriam,” won first place in the Literary Titan awards for fiction/horror. Len’s fourth novel, “Transplanted Evil,” has also received positive feedback from readers. His fourth novel, “Transplanted Evil,” has also received positive feedback from readers. Len’s first novel, “The Darkest Gift,” is being considered for adaptation as a mini-series or major motion picture by several live-streaming networks, including HBO, Paramount Plus, the CW network, Sony, Lionsgate Entertainment, Warner Brothers, and Artistic Equity (owned by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck). Len has completed writing his fifth book, “The Darkest Passage,” which is the sequel to “The Darkest Gift" and was released in May 2024. The author is working on his sixth book, “The Haunting of Wellsley Manor,” and hopes to have it released in the fall of 2024.