Boots And Saddles
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Book Description
Biographical Historical Fiction. Book 1 of the series “They Also Were Legends”. The life and times of the outlaw Jesse James and his gang as seen through the eyes of a fictional girl who suffered the same violent and brutal conditions of the border war in the Missouri/Kansas area during the Civil War. Learn why Jesse and gang turned to thievery after the war and became the most famous outlaws that the developing western expansion ever produced. All “bad men” are just people too and most of them, Jesse and gang included, were just people with good qualities as well as some violent ones. There was a reason for what they did and this series explains the good as well as the bad. It brings the era to life and breathes new understanding into the start of bank and train robbery. (“Why do you rob banks?” Jesse was once asked, to which he replied, “Because that’s where the money is!”) it’s an exciting story of Bad boys, bold women, action and adventure, sizzling romance, and beloved horse characters. It also gives the biography of Myra MayBelle Shirley, AKA Belle Starr, The Bandit Queen, as well as introducing some events of many famous old west characters’ lives. This series is for adults only although sexual situations, violent occurances, and language are handled with care not to be offensive or too explicit. They are a fun and exciting read with plot twists and unexpected occurances. Be sure to start with the Prequel, The Border Wars, a short novelette that explains some of the true events that happened to the authentic characters or mirrored by fictional characters to events the did occur during that time. Extreme care was followed to ensure authenticity in historical events to the best way possible. It was these events and others that followed that shaped the outlaws’ actions in later times. “A galloping good read” as one reviewer described the books and “I couldn’t put it down. Can’t wait for the next one!” wrote another reviewer Written for both men and women to enjoy. Give it a try! It’s definitely not boring like a history book! The series puts fun into historical facts by cleverly blending them with fiction without losing true occurances and developing personalities of non-fictional characters. So hop on the horse of your choice and ride with Jesse James! The series may be found on