When Did You Know and Who Did You Tell?
Interviews with 25 diverse LGBTQAI+ Role ModelsHow would you cope if your family rejected you, your religion abandoned you and society labeled you an outcast? Read the Inspirational, heartfelt coming-out stories by 25 LGBTQAI+ role models from the ages of 21-80 who journeyed from strength to strength to become their authentic selves.Unveiling the Journey: A Chronicle of Self-Discovery and Courage. Candid Conversations with 25 Trailblazers from the LGBTQAI+ Community.” This collection of interviews delves into the pivotal moments of realization and the courageous acts of disclosure that have shaped the lives of these role models. It’s a testament to authenticity, bravery, and the power of...
When Did You Know and Who Did You Tell?
How would you cope if your family rejected you, your religion abandoned you and society labeled you an outcast?Read the compelling stories of 25 LGBTQAI+ role models who journeyed from strength to strength to become their authentic style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255);color:rgb(15,17,17);font-size:14px;">This collection is a profound exploration into the lives of 25 individuals spanning ages 21 to 80 from the LGBTQAI+ community. It's not just a series of narratives but a chronicle of courage, resilience, and the quest for authenticity in a world that often presents challenging and hostile environments for those who deviate from societal style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255);color:rg...