Josiah Stubb: The Plains of Abraham
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Josiah Stubb: The Plains of Abraham
Book Description
From the best-selling author of The Adventures of Charlie Smithers … comes another action adventure in all out war. With the fall of Louisbourg, at last the gateway to Quebec lies open to the British. As the summer of 1759 looms, one last push is required to topple the capital of New France, and the young officer, Josiah Stubb, and the grenadiers of the 51st, will be part of it. However, unlike Louisbourg, the Citadel of Quebec is a natural fortress, and the might of New France has been concentrated to defend her. The British are outnumbered two to one, leaving the stage uncertain. Much depends upon courage and discipline…and of course, that most enigmatic factor of all, luck. This is a tense melee without mercy and a riveting historical battle with far reaching consequences.