Killer Croquet on the Emerald Isle’s
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Four friends play a deadly game of crooky on their tour of and another husband bites the style="margin-left:0px;">The Arkansas 4 win a trip to the Emerald Isle with a group of Bluff Springs compatriots. Amy, Zelda, Genna, and Rian dream of castle ruins, tricky fairies, and the hunt for Rian’s roots. But when a wedding ends in murder, Amy befriends the Garda Síochána to help solve the crime. When is a maid not a maid? That’s the riddle Amy must solve before the killer can be brought to justice as the handsome Garda O’Shannon style="margin-left:0px;">Amy discovers that everyone has something to hide from the Garda investigating the crime, including her friend Doris. Suspects mount and so do the bodies, threatening to ruin their visit to the Emerald style="margin-left:0px;">Between the croquet theme and the banshee screams, Amy realizes her snippets have followed her to Ireland. And maybe even brought her closer to her family roots. Could her grandmother really be from an old Celtic tribe? Will Rian find her long-lost clan? It’s all within the possibilities in the land of lore, legend, and