Knowing is Seeing!: Create the Magnificent Life You Desire
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The goal for Knowing is Seeing is to point each person in the direction of awareness, health, abundance, and overall, wholeness, but we can’t do it for each other. No one can do it for another person. It’s up to each of us to become aware of the path and take the steps ourselves. We’ve all heard the saying: Seeing is believing. This book illustrates how it is knowing, not just believing, that creates what you see in your reality.
Each day we’re provided with opportunities that offer choices to become who we want to be. Moment by moment, life presents us with chances to act or react in ways that are different from our past responses. However, we often find ourselves stuck in a rut, reacting out of habit, unable to make a different choice. So, instead of moving us forward, our personal paths have us traveling in a never-ending circle, where our actions, reactions, and choices lead us nowhere but to where we’ve already been.