The Enigma of the Withered Diary
Requiem for Miriam
Elliefant's Graveyard
No Man Left Behind
He was left to die in the steaming jungles of Vietnam by his commanding officer and the rest of his battalion back in 1975...they shouldn't have done that. Forty years later. Homicide Detective Iris Williams and her partner Detectives Annette Toni are assigned to a case where the victims are left most bizarrely. The killer's hiding place is in the abandoned subway tunnels under New York City. Detective Iris Williams must overcome her fears and venture into the rat-infested tunnels to apprehend the most diabolical serial killer she'd ever faced... A serial killer that will change her life forever. The media is calling him, The Piggyback Killer.
Vengeance for Gabriel
, by Robert Borneman, an FBI thriller!
An FBI office has just been reduced to a pile of rubble by an explosion at 5:55am, taking the lives of the agencies’ Director and Roger Quaid is tasked as the lead new partner is Agent Michelle Woods, the daughter of the Acting Director of the relationship with Roger presents challenging complications as they work receives a cryptic message indicating there will be another attack and with each successive attack, a new taunting message containing a trilogy of fives arrives from the serial message hints at motive and signals the start of a countdown for the next phase of the mastermind’s The Riddle of Fives within the provides intel and support for the investigation as it unfolds, using the FBI’s newest AI counterterrorism weapon, The the bombings targeting FBI infrastructure continue, the mad perpetrator taunts and challenges the FBI to figure out each of his next moves before time runs FBI fails miserably at preventing further attacks and when Agents Quaid and Woods get too close to the truth, they fall into a near-death experiences only make them more determined to bring their suspect to several unexpected setbacks and confrontations, eventually Roger and Michelle uncover the identity of an international terrorist and arms truths are also uncovered, which expose the motivation for the Roger and Michelle are blown away during the final round of the madman’s game, in an explosive manner, as their suspect continues to seek his Vengeance for Gabriel!
Slave Trader
Providence Road
Cold Bars
The Black Mamba
Judas Kiss
Old Marvel, The Scientific Detective!
The Boy In Blue Denim
Imagine if Miss Marple were Amish!
Jenny Hershberger returns to Apple Creek, Ohio, called by Detective Elbert Wainwright to help solve another cold case—a young Amish boy murdered in a deadly snowstorm and never identified. But as she digs into the case, she finds so many connections to her own life that the story becomes like a house of mirrors. As Jenny and Bobby Halverson travel from Apple Creek to Shipshewana, toTexas and Colorado, and back to Apple Creek, the trail grows warmer each day. But each step uncovers a new and a new twist. Who is the killer? And who THE BOY IN BLUE DENIM?